Nowadays, the demands for the quality of products and services are increasing and this in turn leads to the constant improvement and effective satisfaction of customers’ needs. A responsible approach to environment, in all spheres of the conduct of business, is equally important. Both aspects should form an inseparable and natural part of the philosophy of everyday management of companies. Management quality award (ISO 9001) and environmental management award (ISO 14001) received by Danube Facility Services s.r.o. in as early as 2011 is the result of the correct compliance with these approaches. By the introduction and certification of the quality management system it increases the value of its activities and permanently improves the performance. The standard underlines close relations between quality management systems, internal processes and emphasizes the necessity of permanent improvement. The benefits are not just economical, they also include improvement of the overall management, image and building of the company culture. It contributes to quality, stability and eventually an improvement of the company processes. By the introduction of the environment management system Danube Facility Services s.r.o. adopted the principles of an ecological system management with the aim of supporting the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution. Benefits of such action include energy savings, minimization of waste and negative environmental impacts. “We consider caring for the environment a matter‑of‑course part of all our activities and procedures. We strive to reduce energy consumption, the volume of waste waters and waste by selecting more progressive technologies and ecologically suitable materials.” Since for many at Danube Facility Services s.r.o. the ISO forms a long‑term part of the company life, even this year we managed to uphold and confirm the quality and environmental standard of our company during a recertification audit. At the same time, along with the improvement process, we introduced OHSAS 18001 safety system and became a certified company with respect to occupational health and safety as well.
The acquired certificates made us a safe choice in the customers’ eyes, when applying for state contracts and we of course improved the internal operation of the company and made many processes more efficient. Our goal is to provide above standard services, increase customers’ satisfaction and competitiveness on European markets.