TOWER 5 is a new building managed by Danube Facility Services

Since October 2020, we have been managing the TOWER 5 office building. The building is situated in a great location rich in civic amenities and offering a wide range of sports and leisure activities. From the offices you have a view of the playing area of the stadium - you...

Introducing a member of ZLSBD

Danube Facility Services s.r.o. is to be a reliable partner able to meet the individual, specific requirements of each customer regardless of time, building on long-term experience in property management.The full text of the article is available here: Introducing a member of ZLSBD

EUROVEA CITY has a new administrative building

EUROVEA CITY has a new administrative building - LANDEREROVA 12, for which our company DANUBE FACILITY SERVICES s.r.o. has been providing comprehensive technical management of the building, technical operation and maintenance of facilities since December 2018.

Have you become an apartment owner?

Prvé peripetie so získaním hypotéky už máte zrejme za sebou, to však neznamená, že vám z pliec spadli všetky starosti. Dobre si preštudujte podmienky kúpno-predajnej zmluvy, ale aj zmluvu o výkone správy, ktorá sa viaže k starostlivosti o daný bytový dom. A aby toho nebolo málo, neprestávajte sledovať trh s hypotekárnymi úvermi. Môže sa vám to...